Monthly Archives: June 2024

The microbiology branch at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine holds a workshop entitled explaining the blast program and its importance in DNA and protein analysis

The Department of Microbiology held a workshop titled “Explanation of the BLAST Program and Its Importance in Analyzing DNA and Protein Sequences” on Tuesday, June 11, 2024. The lecturer, Assistant Professor Dr. Ali Hadi Abbas, covered the fundamentals of the program’s operation, how to use it according to the research …

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The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is discussing a master’s thesis for one of the graduate students in the specialty of Veterinary Physiology

As part of the scientific activities of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, the Department of Physiology, Biochemistry, and Pharmacology discussed the master’s thesis in the field of Veterinary Physiology for the student Ahmed Mahdi Malik on Wednesday, June 12, 2024. The thesis titled “Protective Effect of Eugenol on Nephrotoxicity and …

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The Center for continuing education at the University of Kufa holds a training course for a number of employees of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and agriculture at the site of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

The University of Kufa’s Continuing Education Center held a training course titled “The Foundations and Concepts of Administrative, Legal, and Accounting Principles for the Staff of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture” at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. A group of distinguished professors from the university delivered these lectures …

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Lecturer at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine participates in the arbitration committee of the first arbitrator in teaching methods courses

The faculty member at the College of Veterinary Medicine and the instructor of teaching methods, Professor Dr. Nabil Mohammed Naji Al-Sharifi, participated on Tuesday, 2024/06/11, in the judging panel for the first examination in the #Teaching_Methods courses towards blended learning, according to the updated curriculum approved by the Ministry of …

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The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is discussing the thesis of the Higher Diploma in the specialty of animal husbandry and laboratory animal management

As part of the scientific activities of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine/Department of Physiology, Biochemistry, and Pharmacology been discussed the high diploma thesis in the specialty of Physiology and Management of Laboratory Animals by the student Sarah Raheem Farhan, titled “ Review of Prevention and Treatment of Some Skin Diseases …

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The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine holds a training course in the basic biosafety program in laboratories

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine held a training course on the Basic Biological Safety Program in laboratories from June 2 to 6, 2024. The course topics covered adhering to the correct principles in laboratories, understanding their levels, and risk management in terms of assessment and mitigation in safety and security. …

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The Department of pathology and poultry diseases holds a workshop on the principles of tissue culture and its applications

The department of Pathology and Poultry diseases held a workshop on Monday 3/6/2024 entitled ‘Principles of tissue culture and its applications’ which is presented by Asst. Prof. Dr. Aoula Emad Al-Zebeeba and trainee veterinarian Azhar Ahmed Enad. The workshop discussed the meaning of tissue culture and the first successful attempt …

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The Council of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine holds its eleventh open session under the chairmanship of Professor Dr. Karar, the esteemed Guardian

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine held its eleventh open session, chaired by the respected Professor Karar Al-Haris. The dean welcomed the council members, and the council discussed several topics, including hosting the examination committee chairperson and approving the results of the second-semester exams for undergraduate studies.

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