A group of researchers from the Department of Pathology and Poultry Diseases and Department of Microbiology, namely: Assistant Professor Dr. Aoula Emad Al-Zebeeba, Assistant Professor Dr. Ali Hadi Abbas Al-Noamani, Assistant Professor Haider Abbas Al-Sayegh, and Professor Dr. Furqan Sabbar Al-Araji, were able to publish a scientific article in a journal (Veterinary Medicine International) that included the registration of advanced cases of eye tumour in a poultry flock that showed clear clinical signs of Marek’s disease. The diagnosis MD infection was confirmed by a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) amplification of a specific region of the target gene meq of the causative agent, followed by Sanger sequencing and BLASTn search of the sequence against the NCBI nucleic acid database, resulted in Gallid alpha herpes virus 2 strain, and according to the phylogenetic analysis, the sequence from this study was uniquely clustered in its own branch in the tree. Histopathological examination of the ocular tumour core revealed aggregation of neoplastic cells and haemorrhage that replaced the normal eye tissue, as well as early tumour formation in internal organs such as the lung and liver. In addition, abnormal lesions are susceptible to tumours in the gizzard and spleen. To our knowledge, this is the first record of an aggressive MD virus infection-mediated ocular tumour in a layer flock in Al-Najaf province, Iraq. In addition, the journal is included in the first quarter of Scopus and the journal is published by Wiley.To learn more and visit the research site click here
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