The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is discussing a master’s thesis in microbiology

As part of the scientific activities of the Department of Microbiology in The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine , the master’s thesis in the field of microbiology by the student Sarah Haider Jabbar was discussed on Thursday, September 19, 2024. The thesis is titled “The Effect of Different Temperatures on the Gene Expression of Genes Responsible for Melanin Production and Urease Enzyme in Cryptococcus Yeast “, The student presented her results to the discussion committee. The study concluded that temperature affects the gene expression of the melanin production genes LAC1 and LAC2, while it has no effect on the gene expression of the URE1 gene responsible for the production of the urease enzyme in Cryptococcus yeast. The student was awarded a master’s degree with a grade of “Very Good.”

The discussion committee consisted of the following members:

1. Prof. Dr. Haider Mahmoud Ali Samaka – Jaber Ibn Hayyan University of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences / College of Medical Sciences – Chairman

2. Assist. Prof. Dr. Samira Abdul-Kadhim Hamid – University of Kufa / College of Education for Women – Member

3. Assist. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Talib Mohammed – University of Kufa / Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – Member

4. Assist. Prof. Dr. Ali Hadi Abbas – University of Kufa / Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – Member and Supervisor.

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