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The Council of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine holds its eleventh open session under the chairmanship of Professor Dr. Karar, the esteemed Guardian

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine held its eleventh open session, chaired by the respected Professor Karar Al-Haris. The dean welcomed the council members, and the council discussed several topics, including hosting the examination committee chairperson and approving the results of the second-semester exams for undergraduate studies.

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Dr. Assistant Professor Haider Kaab, one of faculty member in the department of pathology and poultry diseases has participated in the international conference of poultry science which held at Edinburgh in United Kingdom

Dr. Assistant Professor Haider Kaab, one of faculty member in the department of pathology and poultry diseases has participated in the international conference of poultry science which held at Edinburgh in United Kingdom from 10 to 11 April, 2019. Dr Kaab is a president of Iraqi branch of world’s poultry …

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Department of clinical science of veterinary medicine has organized another lecture about Myiasis in Al – Haidariyah

Department of clinical science of veterinary medicine has organized another lecture about Myiasis in Al – Haidariyah- Al-Najaf Al-Ashrif. Also Assistant Professor Dr Abdul Ameer Hatem has presented the lecture and explain the risks of this disease on health of animals and effects on national economic. So Many people and …

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