
The distinguished associate dean for Scientific Affairs visits Al Qasim Green University

As part of the academic and scientific collaboration between institutions, Assistant Professor Dr. Haidar Tu’ma Al-Kaabi, the Scientific Assistant Dean in our Faculty, participated in the examination of the “Clinical Pathology / Poultry Diseases” course at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Al-Qasim Green University. The purpose of this participation was …

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The distinguished associate dean for Scientific Affairs participates in the sixth International Conference of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Hama University in Syria

‏ Respected Vice dean for scientific affairs Professor Dr. Haider Tauma Al-Kaabi, faculty member in the Department of Pathology, and poultry diseases , has been participated in the sixth international conference of poultry which was organized by faculty of veterinary medicine at the university of Hama, Syria hod in the22ed …

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The distinguished associate dean for Scientific Affairs participates in the International Conference of the Association of veterinarians in Baghdad

The Iraqi Veterinary Medical Syndicate held its first international conference in Baghdad from May 5-6, 2024, under the theme of “Veterinary Medicine and Sciences in Service of Economic Development and Community Safety.” The conference was attended by experts and specialists from Iraq and neighboring countries. During the conference, Dr. Haider …

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A high-level delegation from the Independent High Electoral Commission visits the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

A high level delegation from the Independent High Electoral Commission visited the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. They were received by the respected Dean, Professor Dr. Karar Mohammed Abdulsada Al-Harris, and the respected Assistant Dean for Administration, Associate Professor Dr. Falah Hasan Baiee. The delegation discussed the commission’s efforts to increase …

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Establishment of the Master’s Program in Public Health at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Kufa

The approval of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Naeem Al-Aboudi, was obtained on the establishment of postgraduate studies in the Department of Public Health for the academic year 2024-2025. According to the letters of the Department of Research and Development at the Ministry of …

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Visit of the Ministerial Committee to Establish a Master’s Program in Veterinary Public Health

A committee, representing the Research and Development Department of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, visited the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine to assess the Faculty’s readiness to establish postgraduate/Master’s study in the field of Veterinary Public Health. The committee examined the human and material resources, ensuring compliance with …

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The Information Technology Division at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine held a workshop entitled “Mechanisms for Raising the Faculty Website Evaluation”

The Information Technology Division at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine held a workshop entitled “Mechanisms for Raising the Faculty Website Evaluation” on Monday, 1/2/2024, delivered by the Lecturer, Dr. Karar Ali Al-Kaabi, head of the Information Technology Division at the Faculty. The lecturer touched on the importance of following the …

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The start of the final exams for the first semester at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Started at the College of Veterinary Medicine, Final exams/first round for the academic year 2023/2024 on Saturday morning, 12/30/2023 Under the direct supervision of Professor Dr. Karar Muhammad Abdel-Sada Al-Haris, The Dean inspected the examination halls to review the progress of the examinations and ensure that the appropriate atmosphere was …

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The Media and Government Communication Division at The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, in Cooperation With The Computers and Internet Division, Held a Workshop

The Media and Government Communication Division at the faculty of Veterinary Medicine, in cooperation with the Computers and Internet Division, held a workshop entitled (Formatting news and the mechanism for publishing it on university websites), in which Eng. Ahmed Al-Tufaili, Director of the Media and Government Communication Division, and lecturer …

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The College of Veterinary Medicine participates in a training workshop at the Ministry of Agriculture

Assistant prof. Dr. Murtada Abdul Mahdi Al-Mudhaffar participated as a lecturer and trainer in the training workshop entitled (Monitoring, editing and controlling hemorrhagic fever disease) on 12/13/2023-14, which was held in the Ministry of Agriculture/Veterinary Department based on the principle of cooperation between institutions in Iraqi country. Scientific topics were …

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