workshop was held today entitled (Assessment of scientific journals listed in the global databases)

Within the scientific activities of the Public Health department/ Faculty of Veterinary Medicine / University of Kufa, a workshop was held today entitled (Assessment of scientific journals listed in the global databases), at 10 o’clock in the morning of Monday (14/3/2022) in the post graduate studies hall.
During this workshop a several points have been explained including:
1- Introducing the most important international resources such as Scopus and the web of science
2- Classifying scientific journals according to their quality into Reliable, Fake, Predatory and Hijacked.
3- Getting to know the indicators that examine the performance of journals, such as the Impact Factor, CiteScore, and others, in addition to the methods for calculating them.
4- The method of examining journals in sites recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
At the end of the workshop, questions from the audience were answered and practical examples of examining the journals in the mentioned sites were made.

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