
The psychological counseling and educational guidance unit organizes an awareness-raising scientific symposium on the occasion of the upcoming final exams for the second semester of the year 2023-2024

The Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine organized an informative scientific seminar in preparation for the final exams of the second semester of the academic year 2023-2024. The seminar was aimed at students from all stages of the college and covered three main topics: …

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The Department of diseases and diseases of poultry holds a workshop on infection with Koi Herpes virus

Within the scientific activity of the Department of pathology and poultry  Diseases , and in cooperation with the Continuing Education Unit, (Assistant Professor Dr. Ali Majhool Al-Zalimi) attended a workshop entitled (Infection with Koi Herpes Virus in Iraqi Fish – Importance and Control) on Wednesday, 24/4/2024. The workshop covered the …

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A high-level delegation from the Independent High Electoral Commission visits the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

A high level delegation from the Independent High Electoral Commission visited the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. They were received by the respected Dean, Professor Dr. Karar Mohammed Abdulsada Al-Harris, and the respected Assistant Dean for Administration, Associate Professor Dr. Falah Hasan Baiee. The delegation discussed the commission’s efforts to increase …

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The Department of diseases and poultry diseases holds a panel discussion on the pathological importance of multiple diseases

The Department of Pathology and Poultry Diseases in Faculty of Veterinary Medicine organized a discussion session on Monday, April 22, 2024, focusing on the pathological significance of tetanus, bovine tuberculosis, and brucellosis. The session covered aspects related to pathological anatomy, etiology, modes of transmission, and diagnostic approaches. Under the supervision …

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The Quality Assurance Division at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine holds a workshop on Accreditation and quality of Education

In the presence of the respected Dean, Professor Dr. Karar Mohammed Abdulsada Alharris, and under the supervision of the Department of Quality Assurance, Accreditation, and University Performance at the University of Kufa, the Quality Assurance Unit at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine organized a workshop on program accreditation titled “Accreditation …

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Choosing one of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine teachers as a certified instructor in teaching methods courses

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research has issued a ministerial order for Professor Dr. Nabeel Mohammed Naji Al-Sharafi, accrediting him as a certified trainer for courses in teaching methods towards blended learning according to the updated curriculum. One of the faculty members of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine …

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The twelfth student research conference for the graduation of students for the academic year 2023-2024

Under the supervision and patronage of the respected Dean, Professor Dr. Karar Mohammed AbdulsadaAl-Harris, the Twelfth Student Conference for Graduation Research for the academic year 2023-2024 was inaugurated on Thursday, April 18, 2024. The conference included sessions for the discussion of graduation research at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. These …

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A lecturer at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine participates in the doctoral dissertation discussion Committee at the Faculty of Agriculture-Basra University

Assistant Professor Dr. Ali Majhool Al-Zalimi, teaching in the Department of Pathology and Poultry Diseases – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – University of Kufa, participated in a committee discussing a doctoral thesis in the College of Agriculture – University of Basra by researcher (Sarmad Jabbar Jaleel), tagged with the title …

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The Department of Pathology and Poultry Diseases holds a seminar on some important diseases

The department of Pathology and Poultry Diseases held an seminar regarding a number of important diseases namely, Black Death, Covid-19 and Rabies. The fourth stage students under supervision of the post morteum lecturers: Prof. Dr. Bushra Hamza Fares, Asst. Prof. Dr. Aoula Al-Zebeeby and Lec. Hanadi Jaafer Al-Zubaidi presented these …

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