The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine participates in the meeting of the technical committee of the Ministry of Agriculture tasked with developing a plan to control foot-and-mouth disease

The faculty member at the College of Veterinary Medicine, Assoc. Prof. Murtadha Abdul Mahdi Al-Muzaffar, participated in the meeting of the technical committee of the Ministry of Agriculture, which is tasked with developing a control plan for Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD).
The meeting was chaired by the Technical Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Maithaq Abdul Hussein Obaid, and was held at the ministry’s headquarters. It was attended by specialists from the universities of Baghdad, Fallujah, and Kufa, as well as technicians from the ministry’s headquarters and the Veterinary Department. The purpose was to devise a plan to control FMD. During the meeting, recommendations from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) mission during its visit to Iraq were discussed, as well as the development of a plan for surveillance and investigation. The importance of conducting an epidemiological survey to identify the virus strains and infection sites was emphasized, in addition to the topic of designing and preparing a smart vaccination policy to focus on priority areas and animals, such as major projects, and to align the survey results with the choice of vaccine strains to maximize benefits and avoid waste.
The meeting underscored the importance of capacity building and enhancing the competencies of veterinary personnel, involving them in training courses in epidemiology and laboratories, and benefiting from the experience of the Veterinary Department’s staff to train newly appointed personnel. Cooperation with international organizations in the field of training was also emphasized. Additionally, the meeting highlighted the importance of conducting research by universities and enhancing collaboration with the private sector and the Veterinary Doctors Syndicate. The attendees agreed on the importance of continuous evaluation and updating of the plan to ensure its implementation in line with globally followed control strategies. Regular meetings will be held to come up with recommendations for developing a control plan for FMD.

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