A workshop entitled (Curriculum Courses at the University of Free Georgia, Georgia)

On Monday 12/5/2022, The Veterinary Public Health department at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine/ University of Kufa, held a workshop entitled (Curriculum Courses at the University of Free Georgia, Georgia), presented by Prof. Dr. Abdullah Obis Al-Hatami.
The workshop included a presentation of the goals and objectives for which the curriculum of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine was designed at the Free University of Georgia. The basic and clinical departments of the Faculty were also reviewed.
The workshop aims to explain the Faculties’s vision of granting bachelor’s and master’s degrees to graduates, and how the curricula were designed to suit the requirements of the present and future labor market, as part of an ambitious plan to attract students wishing to study veterinary medicine and qualify them to work in various sectors.
The workshop witnessed scientific discussions about the differences between the curricula used in Iraq and Georgia, and identifying strengths and weaknesses for the purpose of benefiting from them in developing our curricula.

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