A Master’s dissertation was discussed for the student (Israa Abdel-Hussein Sharchouh) ((Molecular Study Of Salmonella Bacteria isolated From Sheep in Al-Najaf Governorate)).

On Monday, 7/11/2022, a Master’s dissertation was discussed for the student (Israa Abdel-Hussein Sharchouh) in the Veterinary Microbiology department /Faculty of Veterinary Medicine /University of Kufa and under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Ali Hadi Abbas for her tagged thesis ((Molecular Study Of Salmonella Bacteria isolated From Sheep in Al-Najaf Governorate)).
The dissertation aimed to know the different serotypes of Salmonella bacteria and their presence in sheep in Najaf Governorate. Two serotypes were isolated, Salmonella Agona and Salmonella Albany, which can infect humans in some cases. The isolation of the Salmonella Albany serotype is the first time in Iraq. The study concluded that young animals are the most carrier of salmonella bacteria. Finally, the dissertation was accepted with excellent grade.


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