Visit of a university committee from the rehabilitation and employment center and follow-up of graduates at the University of Kufa to our faculty

A visiting committee from the Center for Rehabilitation, Employment, and Graduate Follow-up at the University of Kufa visited the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. They were received by the Administrative Assistant and the Head of the Employment Unit at our Faculty, the respected Assistant Professor Dr. Falah Hassan Baiee, and the Head of the Microbiology Department and the Liaison Member, the esteemed Professor Dr. Kifah Fadel Hassoun. The concerned parties delivered an educational seminar to the fourth and fifth-year students to acquaint them with the tasks and responsibilities of the Employment Center and the significant support it can offer to graduates. The center prepares them for the job market in both the public and private sectors, equipping them with presentation and marketing skills, and providing motivational and self-initiative incentives for creativity and innovation. The aim is to build a thriving community of competent graduates who can meet the requirements of the modern world, its institutions, and economic systems, and keep pace with practical developments. This is achieved by working on developing their skills in writing their resumes, regularly updating their information, and introducing them to the tasks and programs of entrepreneurship and the technological business incubator. The center strives to attract them within the databases of the Rehabilitation and Employment Center and its official websites, which are dedicated to nurturing and developing the ideas and projects of university graduates across their various administrative departments and scientific specializations.

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