The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is discussing a master’s thesis for one of the graduate students in the specialty of Veterinary Physiology

Within the scientific activities of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, the Department of Physiology, Biochemistry, and Pharmacology conducted the master’s thesis discussion in Veterinary Physiology for the student Ali Ma’an Abdulameer on Wednesday, May 8, 2024. The thesis titled “Effect of Propolis on Testicular Dysfunction Induced by Bisphenol A in Male Rats” aimed to investigate the impact of adding propolis on the disturbances and functional impairments of the testes in male rats, which were induced by Bisphenol A. The study observed numerous variables in the tissues and the overall concentrations of the standard analyses performed on the targeted organs in the research.

The discussion committee was composed of the following members:

1- Prof. Dr. Nabeel Mohammed Naji Al-Sharifi – University of Kufa / Faculty of Veterinary Medicine: Chairman

2- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nabeel Mahdi Abd Aliwi – University of Thi-Qar / Faculty of Veterinary Medicine: Member

3- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rawaa Hadi Sharif – University of Kufa / Faculty of Pharmacy: Member 4-

Assoc. Prof. Dr. fouad Zidan Hamza – University of Kufa / Faculty of Veterinary Medicine: Member and Supervisor

In conclusion, the committee recommended awarding the student the master’s degree with a satisfactory grade, extending their best wishes to the student and supervisor for good fortune, success, and achievement.

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