Postgraduate Student has Graduated from Department of Pathology,Noor Alhuda Kareem Abd-Alhussian

Another a great achieve for the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Kufa, on third of March 2020, more postgraduate student has graduated from department of pathology, under supervisor Assistant Professor Bushra Hamza Fares who has supervised Noor Alhuda Kareem Abd-Alhussian and her thesis was entitled Pathological Effect of Aluminium Hydroxide Compared With Polymer-Based Nanoparticles on Neonatal Mice Brain. Also the scientific committee was consisted of chairman Professor Dr Ahmed Al-Azaam , and two scientific members from University of Baghdad and Kufa. So Noor Alhuda granted a master degree in veterinary pathology. The Viva was conducted at hall of higher studies in faculty of veterinary medicine, university of Kufa. Also we congratulate to Noor Alhuda for her achievement and her supervisor as well.


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