بحوث تخرج الطلبة للعام الدراسي 2017/2018

بحوث التخرج العام الدراسي 2017/2018
Normal serum mineral concentrations and hematological  values of Camels
Some of Epidemiological Aspects for Brucellosis in Camels in Al- Najaf Province
Effect of fasting on immunity in rats
Synergistic and antimicrobial effectsof leaves oil (phoenix dactylifera) agonist gram negative bacteria
Hematological, biochemical, and bacteriological studyof water buffalo subclinical mastitis
Study of Some Reproductive Aspects of Iraqi Awassi Ewes during TwoLambing Seasons of Natural Breeding
Epidemiological Study of Blood Glucose level of Dogs in Al-Najaf City
A Survey of Intestinal Parasites of Domestic Dogs inA Survey of Intestinal Parasites of Domestic Dogs in
Al-Najaf province
Photosensitization in sheep associated with ingestion of Tribulusterrestris in Al-Najaf Desert.
           Treatment bovine and bubaline papillomatosis by gentian violet in Al Najaf province .
Histo-morphological study of stomach in adult local rabbit(Oryctolaguscuniculus).
Effect of Levamisole on the Hematological parameters, nonspecific immunity and total serum protein in sheep.
Prevalence of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcusaureus(MRSA)Nasal Carriage among University of Kufa Undergraduate Students.
Antibacterial  Activity of Methanol Extract of Phoenix dactylifire Date against Salmonella SPPs. And Escherichia coli  Isolates.
Macroscopic and microscopic study for some pathological lesions in condemned organs in Al- Najaf abattoir
Evaluate of Serum Copper Concentration in Copper Deficient and Healthy Sheep and Relationship with Symptoms of Haydariyah Area in Al-Najaf City -Iraq
Field and Radiological Study of Hoof Affections in Cattle
Effect of stocking density on the infection of common carp (cyprinus carpio lin)in floating cages at kufa
Isolation and Identification of Bacterial Vaginal Cytology in Male and Female of Cattle , Sheep and Goat
In Vitro Kinetic of Glutathione – S- Transferase Enzyme in (Buffalo , Camel, sheep,Goat ,and Cattle ) and Inhibition by Aspirin and Paracetamol
Antibacterial  Activity of Methanol Extract of Phoenix dactylifire  leaves against some Gram Negative Bacterial Isolates.
Isolation , Identification and Antibiogram of Staphylococcus aureus From Cattle and Poultry
Effects of a cellular camel urinary bladder sub mucosa on chronic full thickness skin wound healing in equine species
Survey Study on the terrestrial ponds and the most important diseases of common carp fish Cyprinus carpio L in Najaf Governorate

شاهد أيضاً

تدريسي في كلية الطب البيطري يشارك في ورشة العمل حول المفقودين اثناء الكوارث الطبيعية و الحروب وكذلك الزيارات المليونية وكيفية التعامل معهم

ضمن إطار التعاون بين جامعة الكوفة ومنظمات المجتمع المدني شارك الدكتور مرتضى عباس جابر التدريسي …

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